Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oasis Flat Wire

It has arrived.... just in time for Mother's Day!!! Oasis flat wire in all your favorite colors, get them quick won't last long.
Think of the possibilities!!!
What an amazing week this is..... Everyone is gearing up for Mother's Day, or getting ready for the huge number of weddings in May and buying beautiful product from Potomac Floral Wholesale. Let's be sure to place all your orders early to better ensure you get the product you and your customers want.
Think Flowers, Think Profits!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Holland Floral Update

The volcano eruption in Iceland is still creating havoc for Europe and the Airlines. Our flowers from Holland are due in by noon Thursday. Lets keep our options open and remember all flowers are beautiful even if they are not exactly the ones we wanted.
In Richmond Virginia visiting customers. Yesterday was a great day. Looking forward to seeing existing customers and help new ones realize how amazing Potomac Floral Wholesale really is.
New tip tomorrow. Have an awesome day!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Holland Shipment

As many of you may or may not know, due to the volcanic activity in Iceland, airspace over most of Northern and Central Europe has been halted. We are expecting to receive our flowers from Holland on Tuesday. We apologize for any issues this may cause. We will keep you posted as to any other changes. Have a great day!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tip of the Day

Calla Lilies
When you receive your calla lilies, mini or standard, please be sure to condition them properly. They need to be cut approximately 1/4 inch off the bottom and placed in room temerature water. Remember that the vases or buckets need to be clean. Also, the calla lilies only need two inches of water in there vase or bucket. Mini callas are shipped fully open so they should stay out two hours before being placed in refridgeration. Large callas should stay out between four and six hours at room temperature before being chilled.
Here's to Happy Flowers!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tip of the day

Today will be the beginning of our tip of the day.
Care and handling of flowers should be first on the list.
All flowers received have different little things you can do to enhance their vase life.
We will start with alstroemeria.
The flowers when you receive them are normally dry packed, meaning they have not had
water since they were cut at the farm. For this reason you should re cut the stems under
water and dip into floral Quick Dip, this will ensure that the flowers will uptake water in a
quick amount of time. You should then place your alstroemeria in a clean bucket of water
with the appropriate amount of preservative. Let your flowers stay out of the cooler for a minimum of one hour before placing in the cooler. Depending on the tightness of the flower
you may want to leave them out for 24 hours before placing in the cooler.
Here's to happy flowers!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting ready to start the tips of the day. Does anyone have something they would like to know about flower care, design tips and tricks or maybe whats hot and whats not? Let me know if you have any questions! Have a great day!

Monday, April 5, 2010

What a great Easter Weekend!
Business was awesome and Family time
was even better.
I hope everyone had a weekend as good as mine!